
01 March 2016

Refuge 2015 - REVIEW

We here at Twisted Central have been on a bit of a hiatus... no, break... no, sick leave? Whatever you want to call it, we've been seriously slacking on getting our reviews and press releases out. Hopefully it hasn't put too many of you off. But we are back and ready to get at it!

In a time when a virus outbreak has decimated most of the world's population, the true character of a man is tested. Russell (Sebastian Beacon) is a man of conscience trapped with a twisted, maniacal group more interested in maiming and murdering than surviving. Jack (Carter Roy) is a man willing to go to any length to provide for and protect his family. Holed up in a house isolated deep in the woods, he spends his days out scavenging for food and medicine while his wife Nell (Amy Rutberg) and daughter Birdie (Eva Grace Kellner) stay behind protected by Kyle (Chris Kies). During a run, Jack comes along Russell after a motorcycle accident. Against his better judgment, he takes the wounded man to his home. When their location is discovered by Russell old gang, he convinces them to go with him to meet up with his brother at a refuge. The decision to flee is an easy one but getting there is a different story.

One of the many things that make up a good film, in my opinion, is when it sneaks up on you and grabs your attention without trying too hard. Refuge is that kind of film. It isn't an in your face, blood and guts kind of film but a subtle ride into the depths of humanity. Writers Andrew Robertson and Lilly Kanso managed to create a captivating emotionally charged story that not only tugs at the heartstrings but also keeps you on the edge of your seat. Of course none of that would have been possible without an equally captivating cast. Relying heavily on just a few characters, the film plays smooth and effortlessly.

Some superb cinematography and sleek editing mixed with a somewhat pale and tired palate only enhance the grim depiction of a world ravaged by disease and the miscreants of what's left of society.  While some may find Refuge's storyline tired and overdone, the filmmakers successfully weave it into something special. If you're expecting oodles and gobs of zombies or looking for something with a lot of horror this probably isn't the one for you but if you want a suspenseful tastefully done film, I would highly recommend giving Refuge a chance.