“Payton’s Pond” is a dark, enigmatic short horror film about a group of seemingly normal children who sneak from home to spend the night at an abandoned campground. This will be writer, producer and director Kevin Raines debut film and is the first in what will become an anthology of five shorts. The cast, all young children ranging in ages from eleven to fifteen years old with one cast member who is seventeen, stars Cymia Telleria, Joshua Sheppard, Taylor Green, Caleb Peters, Colbie Zeno, Hunter Clark, Hope Gallegos and Cassidy Cole.
A teaser trailer can be viewed at the film’s official site http://www.PaytonsPond.com
The red carpet event will begin at 6:30 pm EST and will be followed by three separate screenings; 7:00, 7:40 and 8:15 respectively. It will be a night of celebration, networking and entertainment featuring the Movie Presentation, Meet & Greet with the Cast, and Industry Interviews before and after the screenings.
Tickets are $3.00 each and can be purchased by emailing tickets@paytonspond.com.
I can't wait to watch this. One of my very great friends are in this and I seen the preview love it. It's going to become a big hit.