
20 February 2012

J.R. Watkins Interviews Monster Matt Patterson for Monsters for Charity

Tonight I got to sit down and talk to Monster Matt Patterson about his Charity Auction called Monsters for Charity. Below are the details to our conversation.

TC: First, let me take a second to thank you for taking the time to do this interview with Twisted Central.
MM: You are welcome, and thank you for taking the time to help get the word out there about Monsters for Charity.

TC: What exactly do you do in the horror genre?
MM: I currently write for 4 websites, I have 2 podcasts. I am an author, horror artist and plan on breaking into comic book illustrating with a series that should be out this year. I also make masks. You could say I do a little bit of everything, a jack of all trades so to speak.

TC: What is your favorite horror film?
MM: Wow that is a tough question. I would have to say the original Basket Case.

TC: Could you explain what exactly is Monsters for Charity?
MM: Our idea is what preceded Ebay. Email auction sites that ran their bidding by email only. We pick a various charities to contribute too. The charity that has benefited the most is Toys for Tots. We did an auction for them during the Holiday season and we were able to help a lot of people. There are auctions out there that keep a percentage of the bids. We do not do this we pay for all expenses out of our own pockets, even the shipping. This is so all the profit goes to the charities. Also I would like to add that when you win an item the money goes straight to the charity. We act as a middle man, once the money is received by the charity we then ship out the item that you won.

TC: How many people make up Monsters for Charity?
MM: We are a group of 8 people that all are somehow affiliated with the horror genre. We have a Horror Host, a comic book creator, an author, 2 book reviewers and even a fan of Debbie Rochon who has been able to get Debbie to contribute some really cool items to auction.

TC:Besides email, how do people bid?
MM: Well in addition to Email we have a Facebook page you can place a bid on and also through Twitter.

TC: How long has Monsters for Charity been in operation?
MM: As the group that we are, since Thanksgiving 2011. I did some charity around Halloween for the zombie walk in Hamilton Ontario. I donated some sketches and masks and it felt really good to do so and get involved and I wanted to keep doing that. Monsters for Charity took off from there.

TC: What charity or charities is the money donated to?
MM: We have involved a number of charities such as Toys for Tots, various food banks, Camp Good Day and Special Times, and also The Women's and Children's Hospital.

TC: What kind of things specifically have you auctioned off recently?
MM: Recently a coffee mug with the coffee beans, it’s a specialty set, online gift certificates for horror retailers, a dvd signed by Debbie Rochon (Dr Horror’s Erotic House of Idiots), and also a copy of Chillerama on Blu Ray signed by 10 of the cast members. We also are in talks with Fangoria, and Troma to get involved as well.

TC: Is there anything else you would like to say to the fans of Twisted Central?
MM: Yes, I would also like to add the very cool fact that our group is international with our 2 book reviewers from Canada, and we also have someone involved that is in South Africa. You can look us up on Facebook under Monsters for Charity, and on Twitter @charitymonster. Please give us a chance and we will keep everything rolling. It’s so easy just to do something for someone even if it’s just walking up to someone on the street and giving them a sandwich

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