Since LAID TO REST 2 is set to be released later this year, I thought it would be nice to have a little chat with one of the stars of the film, Angelina Armani. Not only was she gracious and approachable but she's also very open about what we can expect from the sequel to Robert Hall's Laid to Rest. Check out what she has to say about ChromeSkull's reign of terror and being invited to guest at this year's Texas Frightmare Weekend and also some behind the scenes photos of her in action.
Twisted Central: I guess the best place to start is if you could briefly tell me a little about yourself. Have you always been a fan of horror films and if so, what are some of your favorites?
Angelina: You hit me with the hardest question first. It's so hard to describe yourself briefly in so few letters. I started runway modeling in New York and moved to LA at 19 to be an aspiring actress. I just finished shooting in a sequel called ChromeSkull: Laid To Rest 2. This movie has been written and directed by Robert Hall, and should be released fall of 2011. I have always been a huge horror fan since I was a little girl. It's all I would watch. My mom showed me that horror movies were for entertainment and couldn't hurt me from watching them so I grew attached to the genre. Some of my favorites are the instant classics like Halloween, Friday The 13th, Prince Of darkness, and so many more that couldn't all fit in this interview.
Twisted Central: How did you become involved with ChromeSkull?
Angelina: When I found out that a sequel was in the making, I knew I had to be in on it. I auditioned for a role of a detective. Next thing I knew, a script was in my hand.

Twisted Central: I was only recently able to actually watch Laid to Rest and I found it quite enjoyable and thought it had some of the most inventive kills I've seen in a while. Can we expect the same thing from this second chapter?
Angelina: Robert Hall promises double the kills with twice the blood shed. So I hope the viewers have high expectations because that's what their getting.
Twisted Central: What do you enjoy most about Laid to Rest and the ChromeSkull character?
Angelina: I think I can relate to the audience and say I enjoy it for its gruesome kills. As far as ChromeSkull, he's a legendary killer in the making. Robert Hall has created a piece of history that will indeed embed itself in the horror world. ChromeSkull is known for the best kills out of any horror flick. He's fast and has absolutely zero mercy on his victims and the ones to come.

Twisted Central: What affect has being part of ChromeSkull had on your life?
Angelina: My vision has definitely expanded. I get to sit back and see things through the killers eyes since I'm always on set. The affect has mostly been the learning experience.
Twisted Central: There are so many "big" names associated with this film i.e. Brian Austin Green and legendary horror actress Danielle Harris. What was it like working right along side them?
Angelina: Brian is the absolute best. He's so easy going and sweet! I didn't get to work with Danielle in LTR but I'm sure we'll hopefully cross paths again in another movie.

Twisted Central: Nick Principe gives me chills as ChromeSkull, I find him extremely intimidating and creepy (even with the mask on), were there any jump out and scare ya moments on set?
Angelina: I was opening a few of the caskets on set looking for something and nick was sleeping inside one of them with his mask on. I jumped and slammed the lid on his head when he sat up. It's more humorous than scary but I figured I'd share it.
Twisted Central: What other projects do you have coming up? More horror?
Angelina: I have so much coming up. Definitely more horror although I am not opposed to any other genre. I'll be at lots of conventions this year promoting Laid To Rest 2 like HorrorHound Weekend Indianapolis, Texas Frightmare Weekend, and more.

Twisted Central: What a rush being invited as a guest to Texas Frightmare Weekend! What are you most looking forward to during TFW?
Angelina: Definitely the fans. Its ALL for the fans. I've been to Texas only once before and loved it there. Everyone is so down to earth and super sweet. I can't wait to meet them all.
Thanks again to Angelina for taking the time to answer some questions.
You can stay updated by following them on twitter at @AngelinaArmani and @laidtorestmovie or by joining the Laid to Rest Facebook fan page.
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